In 2018, I had the pleasure of running a special project with ceramic artist Katie Spragg and the ‘In The Moment’ dementia group at Lakeland Arts.
‘In The Moment’ was a weekly art group for people living with dementia I led as Learning & Engagement Officer at Lakeland Arts. I delivered weekly art activities inspired by exhibits and collections at Lakeland Arts. When Katie Spragg’s work was on display at Blackwell and Abbot Hall Art Gallery, we visited Blackwell and spent an afternoon with Katie Spragg.
We arranged a special off-site visit so the group could meet Katie Spragg and explore her artwork on display at Blackwell. After a tour of her exhibition, Katie Spragg showed us how to create flowers and delicate plants out of clay.
In the weeks that followed, I worked with the group to create clay pieces and a stop motion animation inspired by Katie Spragg’s ceramic animations and porcelain sculptures:
Comments from members of the ‘In The Moment’ group:
“It really is amazing to look at. That Katie talked to us at Blackwell and it’s unbelievable to see the end product. Each week is another lesson”
“Well I’ve never done this at home before. It’s amazing what we do here that we don’t do at home”
“It reminds me of an awakening, with the flowers opening and closing”
“Anything can happen in an imaginary garden”
Katie Spragg also ran a full-day workshop with Kendal College students. I installed their animations and fired pieces at Blackwell during May Half Term in an activity space linked to Katie Spragg’s exhibit.